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Top 6 Fastest NoSQL Databases

What is NoSQL Database?

Data is coming faster than ever nowadays. Approximately 6 billion people and around 20 billion things are producing enormous amounts of information that must be managed and sorted in a classified way. Over time, the data becomes double or even triple in quality. Database management systems must process petabytes of data in real-time and keep expanding their abilities to keep up with the flow and needs of today’s businesses and their related systems. Before we jump into the topic, we need to know what NoSQL databases are.

The word “NoSQL” refers to use across large distributed systems. NoSQL databases are databases designed to operate across large distrusted systems. They are functionally much more scalable and faster at handling large data packs than traditional relational databases. The NoSQL database does not use the standard tabular relationships that other SQL relational databases employ. Instead, NoSQL databases allow for the querying and storage of data by various means, depending on the specific software. A NoSQL database provides a system for retrieving and storing data, leaving the traditional tabular relations used in relational databases. These databases are schema-free, support easy replication, have a simple API, are eventually consistent, and can handle vast amounts of data.

NoSQL databases use a different data structure, unlike relational databases. NoSQL databases consider far better than relational databases. Relational databases are generally more challenging and time-consuming than NoSQL databases because they use more complex and scalable algorithms. NoSQL databases are mainly developed for unstructured data. That data can be document-oriented, column-oriented, graph-oriented, etc. Therefore, reading or writing data from a NoSQL database is quicker than from a SQL database.

Top 6 fastest NoSQL Databases

These are the six fastest NoSQL databases available if you’re looking for a quicker, more reliable, more scalable database solution.

  1. MongoDB.
  2. RavenDB
  3. The ElasticSearch platform.
  4. The Cassandra Database is a valuable resource.
  5. DynamoDB is a database owned by Amazon.
  6. HBase.

Mongo DB

Mongo DB is the top fastest NoSQL database to handle a document-oriented NoSQL database program. It is used for high-volume data storage and integrity. It is a document-based database because, unlike using tables and rows in the traditional relational databases, MongoDB uses collections and documents. In documents, key-value pairs are the basic unit of data in MongoDB. It uses JSON ( JavaScript Object Notation) types of docs with optional schemas. This makes MongoDB very flexible and versatile to real-world situations and requirements.

The data or set of information stored on MongoDB are referred to as a collection. These collections hold sets of documents and functions, the counterpart of relational database tables. Each document is classified with a varying number of fields. Each document’s size and content (number of stored information) can differ. The document structure aligns more with developers’ flow to construct their classes and objects in their respective programming languages. Developers can say that these classes are not based on rows and columns but have a structure of key-value pairs. These rows or documents of MongoDB don’t need to have a schema defined earlier. Instead, the fields can be constructed and named on the run time.

The data model of MongoDB allows you to represent hierarchical relationships to store arrays and other more complex structures more efficiently. In short, MongoDB environments are very scalable. Worldwide, companies define clusters, with some running 100+ nodes with millions of documents within the MongoDB database. MongoDB delivers high connectivity with replica sets. Replica sets have two or more MongoDB models. Each replica set associate may operate in the role of the primary or secondary image at any time. The primary replica is the central server interacting with the client and performing all the read/write operations. The Secondary models maintain a copy of the data of the primary using built-in replication. When a primary replica fails, the replica set automatically switches to the secondary and becomes the primary server.

Ravan DB

The fully transactional NoSQL database known as Ravan DB is one of the fastest NoSQL databases. Ravan DB can perform over 160,000 writes and 1 million reads per second on simple commodity hardware using its in-house storage engine, Voron. Unique MapReduce, Queries, and Dynamic Indexing methods are developed to maximize Ravan DB’s performance while keeping ACID guarantees. In a database, the term ACID refers to atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. These terms describe the properties of database transactions that guarantee data preciseness despite errors, system failures, power failures, or other issues.

Ravan DB performs fast, no matter how older and cheaper the hardware is. It utilizes server resources to their fullest and facilitates you to get maximum ROI on the cloud. Ravan DB aggregates a MapReduce query, a traditional way of combing everything to systematize it according to your request. Ravan DB adds it to the updated total with every new data arrival as something that should be counted as part of the aggregate.

So, if you operate a MapReduce, ask, ”how much in sales did we do from Singapore? How many are from the USA? How many from Australia?” Ravan DB will go over all your sales rankings and make the counts just once. Then, when you make a $260 sale in London, it will also be updated to the total aggregate for UK sales. There will be no need to recombine the database. This process performs ten times quicker.

In Ravan DB, the NoSQL MapReduce is part of the database. This is great for complex architectures like sales summaries worldwide, which minimize complexity and maximize productivity by learning just one technology for their database. ACID consistency usually creates performance gaps. A database typically processes a transaction in the following two steps. Oneis to make the operation transactional by adding the ACID guarantees, and the other is to persist the current ACID transaction.

Ravan DB processes the transactions by persisting a transaction to disk while preparing the following procedure to endure ACID guarantees. And, Voron performs both steps simultaneously. This closes the gaps, maxes out resource utilization, and lets you work on cheaper and older machines more efficiently.

ElasticSearch Database

The ElasticSearch Database version helps everyone find and retrieve what they need faster. It can be some employees who need documents from your intranet or students browsing online to prepare for their upcoming exams. But technically, the ElasticSearch platform is a NoSQL database that can be used for full-text searches.

Elasticsearch is a broadcasted, accessible, and open search and analytics search engine that retrieves all data types, including geospatial, textual, structured, numerical, and unstructured. Elasticsearch is implemented on Apache Lucene and was first released in 2010 by Elasticsearch N.V. (now known as Elastic). Known for its simple REST APIs, Elasticsearch is the prominent component of the Elastic Stack – a set of accessible and readily available tools for data retrieval, enrichment, repository, computation, and visualization. Typically referred to as the ELK Stack (after Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana), the Elastic Stack currently includes a comprehensive collection of lightweight shipping agents known as Beats for sending data to Elasticsearch.

It is one of the fastest NoSQL Databases to retrieve total text searches. ElasticSearch Stack is mainly used for heavy application search, website data retrieval, enterprise search, security analytics, and business analytics searches.

Cassandra Database

Cassandra is a high-performing horizontally scalable NoSQL database. It offers operational and technical simplicity. It is fully distributed and has no single point of failure. Full distribution allows Cassandra to provide constant availability. Technically, it uses a peer-to-peer distribution model that efficiently distributes data across multiple data centers and cloud availability zones. Cassandra uses a partitioning key, also called a partitioner, to determine how to disseminate data across the nodes that incorporate a database cluster. A partitioner or a partitioning key is a hashing mechanism that takes a primary key of a row, computes a numerical pass for it, and assigns it to one of the nodes in a cluster. At the same time, Cassandra has multiple partitioners from which it uses to extract information. The default partitioner randomizes data across a collection and ensures an allocation of all the data. Cassandra automatically preserves the data balance across a group or cluster even when you remove or add new nodes to a system.

Cassandra is the fastest NoSQL database and a good choice when you have a large amount of data and consistency isn’t a priority.


Amazon DynamoDB is a fully organized proprietary fastest NoSQL database service that sustains key–value and document data structures. Amazon presents it as a domain of the Amazon Web Services portfolio. DynamoDB discloses a generic data model. Its name is derived from Dynamo but has a different underlying execution. DynamoDB has a multileader design that requires the client to resolve version contests, and DynamoDB uses synchronous duplication across multiple data centers for high accessibility, durability, and availability.

DynamoDB enables its users to create databases competent for storing and retrieving any amount of data or information and conforming to any amount of traffic. It automatically allocates data and traffic over servers to dynamically manage each customer’s requests and search queries and maintain fast performance. The two main advantages of DynamoDB are its scalability and flexibility. It does not push using a particular data source and structure and allows its users to work with virtually anything but uniformly. It is a fully controlled, serverless, key-value NoSQL database designed to operate high-performance applications at any hierarchy. DynamoDB offers built-in protection, ongoing bottlenecks, automatic multi-Region doppelganger, in-memory caching, and data export instruments.

Its design also supports a broad spectrum of use, from more delicate tasks and operations to demanding enterprise functionality. It also allows the easy use of multiple languages: Ruby, Java, Python, C#, Erlang, PHP, and Perl.


HBase is a distributed column-oriented NoSQL database constructed on top of the Hadoop file system. It is an open-source system and is horizontally scalable. HBase is a data model similar to Google’s big table designed to provide quick random access to vast portions of structured data. It provides support to the faulty tolerance offered by the Hadoop File System.

It is a part of the Hadoop mechanism that provides spontaneous real-time read or write credentials to data in the Hadoop File System.

You can store the data directly or through HBase in the Hadoop File System. Data consumer reads or accesses the data in HDFS randomly using HBase. HBase lies on top of the Hadoop File System and provides access to read and write terminologies.

HBase is a column-oriented database where the tables are classified as a row. Here, the table schema represents only column families, which are the key-value pairs. A table has multiple column families; each can have a number of columns. Succeeding column values are accumulated contiguously on the disk. In this table, each value in a table’s cell has a timestamp. In short, in an HBase:

  • The table is a collection of rows in HBase.
  •  A row is made up of different column families.
  • The column is a collection of key-value pairs.

Which NoSQL Database Is Best?

  • MongoDB is popular Document-based NoSQL databases.
  • ElasticSearch is used for full-text searches.
  • DynamoDB is popular for its scalability.
  • Many companies use the HBase database.
  • The Cassandra database is an important element

The infrastructure of a relational database is well-designed to meet this criterion for data: data is stored in tables connected by a relational mechanism. NoSQL databases are famous for achieving the speeds or scalability of information required by a user. For this, NoSQL databases often have to sacrifice an aspect of ACID compliance along the way.

NoSQL database provides many benefits, including consistency, availability, and partition tolerance. NoSQL provides the facility of graph data storage which is not obtainable with SQL databases. Instead of some drawbacks with NoSQL databases, it is widely used in many businesses. One of the disadvantages of NoSQL databases is that it follows CAP. Accordingly, CAP can obtain only two out of three methods and have to skip the third step. Because with the CAP, only two possessions can be successfully executed. But it allows us to store the data in denormalized form.

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