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Flutter Quran Reading Mobile App: Software Engineering Project (Part 1: Intro)

Detail of the Mobile Application

Name of Project: Tabayyun Tool, A Quranic Directory
Platform: Flutter 3.1.0
Audio: Ali Hajjaj AlSuesy
Application type: Characterization of topics in Quran
Created on: 15 June 2022

In this article, as this is part 1, we will only start with the abstract, background, problem statement, objectives, and methodologies of the project. The literature review, design, and source code will be discussed in another article.

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The Hadith and the Quran are the two most important sources for the religion of Islam. When in need of direction, a Muslim will typically consult either of these two sources. The Holy Quran offers knowledge that can motivate people to change their lifestyles in their daily lives. In our day and age, the use of technology has attained a level of widespread popularity. Thus, this project’s aim is to create a mobile app that can help people ease their daily lives by using a mobile app that enables the user to refer to any matter related to life by Islamic principles from the Holy Quran. There are already many existing mobile applications that implement this idea, but most of them lack some crucial features, which will reduce the user experience. Hence, in this work, an improvised mobile application will be developed which contains all the topics in the Quran, including all the missing features in the existing system. The development of the system will be based on the waterfall model. It has five phases that need to be followed, which are requirement analysis, design concept, implementation of the application, testing, and the maintenance of the system. In general, the mobile application is built using Flutter on Android Studio to ensure the mobile application can be installed on both the Android Operating System and the Apple Operating System. The analysis of this study shows that a test of the application has been conducted on 15 people in the community and their feedback about the app has been collected. From the feedback, it shows that the Tabayyun Tool mobile application system is superior to other existing systems in terms of accessibility and simplicity in achieving the same aim as other existing systems are trying to achieve as well. Results showed that all features in the currently existing system have been identified to fulfill the requirements of the system.


The Quran is a holy book that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in verse form. During his lifetime, he wrote these verses on bones, stones, and tree leaves; they were not gathered or combined into a single book until much later. [1]. The Holy Quran is one of the Holy Books of God. An estimated 1.9 billion Muslims worldwide rely on it as one of their primary sources of information [2]. For Muslims who regularly study it, the Holy Quran is a valuable source of knowledge and is written in Arabic [1]. The rapid progress of information and communication technologies has resulted in several changes in our way of life. The smartphone is one device that has had a significant impact. A smartphone is a gadget that combines the features of a phone with a personal digital assistant. A chart produced by Gartner shows that smartphone sales in 2019 hit almost 1350 million [3]. In Islamic countries, smartphones have also become widely used. The electronic version of the Holy Quran has been created and disseminated on an unprecedented scale thanks to current smartphone technology. The electronic version of the Holy Quran is primarily used by the younger generation [4]. Several copies of the text have been printed in many countries, particularly those with a Muslim majority, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Saudi Arabia. Many versions of these materials go through a thorough review process before being released to the public. This is to guarantee that the text printed is accurate. However, in today’s digital age, the internet and mobile technology have made the digital version of the Holy Quran widely available. There are various digital copies of the Quran accessible today, all of which can be downloaded for free from the internet [5]. There are many topics of life mentioned in the Quran, such as prayer, fasting, ablution, marriage, knowledge, and others. However, these topics are scattered throughout many different surahs. It is quite challenging for people to find a specific topic, such as prayer which is mentioned in a few places. There are already several mobile apps available for users. However, most of these applications were short of important features such as search function, audio of each verse, and others. Therefore, this project will improvise all features that were lacking and categorize all important topics about Islam, extracting them from each of the related Surahs in the Quran to ease the user. These topics will be listed and can also be searched.


There are several existing mobile applications that offer the same feature which is the categorization of the topics in the Holy Quran. However, most mobile applications lack some important features. For example, the system does not have any translation in Malay since this project wants to focus on the people in Malaysia. Most of it uses only Arabic and English as languages. It is hard for other people to understand the meaning of the verses if the translation is hard to comprehend. Furthermore, current apps do not include audio of the verses. This project will include the audio of all the verses in the Quran so that they can know how to pronounce them well. Next, other apps do not have friendly-user features such as a search function where the user can search for specific topics in the application and a Dark Mode feature where the user can switch to with just one click of a button. This is to make our eyes more comfortable when reading, especially at night. Most of the apps are not available for both platforms, which are Android and iOS. So, for this project, the availability of the system will be expanded as it will be available for Android and Apple users.

Research Objectives

The objectives of this study are to

1. To investigate the current available Quran directory apps

2. To develop an improvised mobile application that contains all topics in the Quran

3. To assess the performance of the proposed system as compared to the existing system.


There are four components for this study which are identifying problems, laying out the application’s features and functionality, designing the application, and building and testing the application. For the first component, problems are identified based on the existing system or applications of the Tabayyun Tool system. Then, the application’s functionality and features are defined to see the purpose of the application. The application will be designed before building and launching it. For testing purposes, the application will be tested in the community to make sure the system is usable. The survey about the application will be spread out to gain feedback from the users.



Electronic devices have been produced as a result of the technology’s quick development such as smartphones, which not only offer messaging capabilities but also enable long-distance communication. Because of the capabilities and functionalities they offer, which are similar to those of a computer but in a smaller, more portable packaging, smartphones are frequently referred to as “minicomputers.” [6]. With the debut of IBM’s Simon smartphone in 1993, the smartphone era began [7]. With the launch of the Blackberry smartphone into the mass communication market, the revolutionary era started, with various functions such as web browsing, camera, email, and internet. Apple first entered the market in 2007, and with the release of its first smartphone, the company significantly changed the course of the industry. Google’s Android operating system, designed to give smartphone users access to cutting-edge technologies, was made available to the general public by the end of 2007. There are changes between the prior and current smartphone versions, as the old version was more widely used as a business tool and was too expensive to be introduced to the general public. As technology progressed slowly and was out of reach for most people at the time, the number of mobile phone users was restricted. Essentially, cell phones were created to make adult jobs easier [8]. As seen in figure 1, the smartphone penetration in Malaysia increased sharply from 2010-2020 which means that we are currently living in a new technology era [9].

People have become accustomed to using computers and computer applications in the modern age of information and communication systems. However, the use and development of mobile applications is a relatively new and fast-increasing industry. Mobile applications have a global positive influence. People in developed countries are becoming more facilitated as a result of mobile applications, while people in underdeveloped countries are updating themselves and creating a new sort of IT infrastructure. Mobile applications run on a small hand-held mobile device that can be moved, used easily, and accessed from any location. Many individuals nowadays use mobile applications to communicate with friends, access the internet, manage files, create and manage documents, and enjoy themselves. You can access the mobile application from anywhere. People can do a lot of things in their daily and professional lives [10]. According to polls, more than 10 million Americans use their smartphones to hunt for health information and services. Numerous smartphone apps are available to support users in managing their drugs, promoting alternative treatments, comparing prices, and validating prescriptions. In the not-too-distant future, we’ll see a new breed of mobile applications that allow doctors and parents to track a patient’s or child’s blood glucose levels at any time of day. Several apps for tracking fitness, diet, and blood pressure are still accessible today. As a result, smartphones can now play an important role in the health industry [7].


The Holy Quran is a book that was not only given to Muslims but also to all other people on earth when it was given to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This book was sent down from heaven to the Prophet Muhammad’s heart [1]. The Holy Quran is the book of divine guidance and direction for humanity. It is the most important religious literature in Islam and is considered to be the word of Allah in its original form [11]. The word of Allah, which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. (peace be upon him), is known as the Quran. Its purpose is to lead people from ignorance into the truth. It is revealed through Angel Gabriel A.S(Jibrail) in the Arabic language, narrated by stages, and reading it is a worship. It is an excellent book and provides complete guidance for people to manage all aspects of daily life in the world [12]. It is one of the primary sources in Islam, covering all aspects of life, and it is essential to human life, particularly for Muslims in the development of national education to ensure the best possible result of the ummah development process. Al-Quran covers all aspects of life and plays a vital role in human life [13]. The importance of studying the interpretation of the Quran is very high, so it is difficult to understand the language, thus requiring the interpretation of Rasulullah SAW, sahaba, tabiin, and scholars [14]. Allah SWT promises to preserve it and, therefore, the Qur’an remains preserved and guaranteed from any changes. The preservation of the Qur’an in various forms of technology, including physical, digital, and memorization, is strong evidence that the Qur’an remains protected from all shortcomings and errors. The Quran is a book of miracles. It was revealed that there were many poets, as well as linguists, in Arabia. The verses of the Qur’an were arranged so beautifully that its language could not be matched by the Arabic poets or poets of the time. What makes the Quran so unique from other scriptures is that it can be used throughout the ages.


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