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Functional Testing for Mobile Applications: Fully Explained!


As a busy tech CEO, you know that time is a valuable commodity, and getting things right the first time is crucial. When it comes to mobile application development, one of the key ways to ensure a successful launch is through functional testing. Functional testing is the process of verifying that the software application performs as expected and meets all of the business and technical requirements. This type of testing ensures that the application is user-friendly, reliable, and performs as expected, reducing the risk of errors, crashes, and security issues.

Mobile application testing is a complex and rapidly evolving field, and keeping up with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices can be challenging. That’s why we’ve created this guide to functional testing for mobile applications. We’ll explain what functional testing is, its importance in mobile application testing, and answer some common questions that busy tech CEOs with feline friends may have, such as: What are the characteristics of functional testing in mobile application testing? What is an example of a functional test? Is UI testing functional testing? Is UX testing functional? And more.

Whether you’re a seasoned mobile application developer or just starting, this guide will provide you with the information you need to ensure your applications perform as expected and meet your customers’ needs. Let’s get started.

Characteristics of Functional Testing in Mobile Application Testing

Functional testing is a critical aspect of mobile application testing that ensures the application meets the requirements and performs as expected. Here are some of the key characteristics of functional testing in mobile application testing:

  • Validating Business Requirements: Functional testing is a process of verifying that the software application performs as expected and meets all of the business and technical requirements. This includes ensuring that the application performs all the necessary functions, meets the user’s needs, and follows the business rules.
  • Testing Functionality: Functional testing is focused on testing the functionality of the application. It checks whether the application works as expected in different scenarios and performs the intended tasks, such as user interface interactions, calculations, data processing, and data storage.
  • Automated Testing: Functional testing can be automated, making it faster, more accurate, and less error-prone. Automated functional testing can help teams detect issues earlier in the development cycle, reduce the overall testing time, and save resources.
  • Regression Testing: Regression testing is a type of functional testing that checks if the changes or modifications in the application have affected its existing functionality. Regression testing helps ensure that new features or updates don’t break the existing functionality of the application.
  • Test Coverage: Functional testing aims to achieve maximum test coverage, ensuring that all the functionalities of the application are tested thoroughly. This helps identify defects that might arise from edge cases or unusual inputs.
  • Traceability: Functional testing is focused on traceability, which means that it traces the bugs, defects, or issues back to their source, such as the specific code, design, or requirement. This helps identify the root cause of the issues and enables developers to fix them more efficiently.

So, how does functional testing differ from other types of testing?

Functional testing is focused on testing the application’s functionality and business requirements. Other types of testing, such as performance testing, security testing, and usability testing, are focused on testing different aspects of the application. For example, performance testing checks the application’s speed and resource usage, while security testing checks the application’s vulnerability to cyberattacks. Usability testing, on the other hand, checks the application’s ease of use and user experience. While all these types of testing are important, functional testing ensures that the application is working as expected, making it a critical part of the testing process.

In the next section, we will provide an example of a functional test.

Example of a Functional Test

A functional test is a type of testing that verifies whether the application’s functions work as intended. This type of test is designed to check the application’s behavior under different scenarios and input conditions.

In mobile application testing, a functional test can be performed to ensure that the application’s user interface and the backend functions are working correctly. For example, let’s say that you are testing a mobile application that allows users to order food online. A functional test of the application’s ordering feature might involve the following steps:

  1. Open the application and navigate to the ordering page.
  2. Select the food item you want to order and specify the quantity.
  3. Check that the selected item is added to the cart, and the total price is updated accordingly.
  4. Proceed to checkout and enter the delivery address.
  5. Check that the order is confirmed, and the estimated delivery time is displayed.

By following these steps, you can verify that the ordering function of the application is working as expected. If the test fails, you can identify the root cause of the issue and work to fix it.

Conducting Functional Test

To conduct a functional test, you will need to follow a specific process. Here are the steps involved in conducting a functional test:

  1. Identify the test scenarios and conditions: Before conducting a functional test, you need to identify the test scenarios and conditions. These are the different situations and inputs that the application should be able to handle.
  2. Prepare test cases: Once you have identified the test scenarios and conditions, you can prepare test cases. These are the specific steps and inputs that you will use to test the application’s functions.
  3. Execute the test cases: With the test cases in place, you can execute the test. This involves following the steps and inputs specified in the test cases and checking that the application’s functions work as intended.
  4. Record the results: As you conduct the test, you should record the results. This includes any defects or issues that you identify and any successes that you observe.
  5. Report and resolve defects: After completing the test, you should report any defects or issues you identify to the development team. They can then work to resolve the defects and issues and improve the application’s functions.

In the next section, we will take a closer look at functional testing in Android.

Functional Testing in Android

Functional testing in Android involves testing the application’s functions to ensure that they work as intended on the Android operating system. This type of testing can be performed manually or using automated testing tools, and it can help to identify any issues with the application’s functions before it is released to users.

There are various tools and techniques available for functional testing in Android. Here are some popular tools and techniques that you can use:

  1. Espresso: Espresso is a popular testing framework for Android that is designed to make it easy to write UI tests. It provides a simple and intuitive API for writing tests, and it supports a wide range of testing scenarios.
  2. Appium: Appium is an open-source testing tool that can be used to test mobile applications on both Android and iOS platforms. It supports a wide range of programming languages that you might not know, and it can be used to write automated tests for functional testing.
  3. Monkey: Monkey is a tool that can be used to test the application’s functions by generating random inputs and events. It can help to identify any issues with the application’s functions and improve its overall quality.

Best practices for functional testing in Android

In addition to these tools, there are also some best practices that you should follow when performing functional testing in Android. Here are some tips and hacks to keep in mind:

  1. Test on multiple devices: To ensure that your application functions correctly on different devices, it is important to test it on multiple devices with different screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware configurations.
  2. Use real-world scenarios: When testing the application’s functions, it is important to use real-world scenarios that mimic how users will interact with the application. This can help to identify any issues with the application’s functions and improve its overall quality.
  3. Automate as much as possible: While manual testing is important, it can be time-consuming and error-prone. To save time and improve accuracy, you should automate as much of the testing process as possible using testing tools and frameworks.

By following these best practices and using the right tools and techniques, you can ensure that your application’s functions work as intended on the Android platform. In the next section, we will explore three types of functional tests that can be used in mobile application testing.

Three Types of Functional Tests

When it comes to functional testing in mobile application testing, there are three types of tests that are commonly used. These tests are designed to help ensure that the application’s functions work as intended and can help identify any issues before the application is released to users.

Unit Testing

Unit testing involves testing individual functions or modules of the application. This type of testing is performed early in the development process and is designed to identify any issues with the individual functions or modules before they are integrated into the application.

To conduct unit testing, you can use testing frameworks like JUnit, which provides a simple and intuitive way to write tests for individual functions or modules. Unit Testing is crucial because it can help identify any issues with the individual functions or modules before they are integrated into the application, which can save time and resources in the long run.

Integration Testing

Integration testing involves testing the interaction between different functions or modules of the application. This type of testing is performed after unit testing and is designed to identify any issues with the integration of the individual functions or modules into the application.

To conduct integration testing, you can use testing frameworks like TestNG, which provides a simple and intuitive way to write tests for the integration of different functions or modules. This is important because it can help identify any issues with the integration of the individual functions or modules, which can save time and resources in the long run.

System Testing

System testing involves testing the application as a whole to ensure that it works as intended in the real-world environment. This type of testing is performed after integration testing and is designed to identify any issues with the application’s functions in the real-world environment.

To conduct system testing, you can use testing frameworks like Appium, which provides a simple and intuitive way to write tests for the application as a whole. It is important because it can help identify any issues with the application’s functions in the real-world environment, which can help ensure a better user experience and improve the application’s overall quality.

Each type of functional test is important in mobile application testing, and they should be conducted in a specific order. Unit testing should be performed first, followed by integration testing, and then system testing. By following this process and using the right testing frameworks and tools, you can ensure that your application’s functions work as intended and provide a better user experience for your users.

Is UI Testing Functional Testing?

In mobile application testing, two types of testing are often mentioned: functional testing and UI testing. While both are essential to ensure the quality of a mobile app, they differ in terms of their objectives and focus.

What is UI Testing?

UI testing, also known as user interface testing, is the process of verifying that the user interface of an application behaves correctly. This testing is done to ensure that the graphical user interface (GUI) of the application is consistent with the design specifications and meets user expectations. UI testing is concerned with the appearance, usability, and accessibility of the application.

How is UI Testing Different from Functional Testing?

Functional testing, on the other hand, is focused on verifying that the application works as intended, with all its features and functions functioning correctly. It is not concerned with how the application looks, but rather its functionality. Functional testing aims to ensure that the application performs its intended tasks without any errors, and its performance meets the expected standards.

While UI testing is focused on verifying that the application looks and feels right, functional testing aims to ensure that the application works correctly. In other words, UI testing is a subset of functional testing, with a more specific focus on the user interface of the application.

Why is UI Testing Important in Mobile Application Testing?

UI testing is essential in mobile application testing as it is often the first thing that users see and interact with. A good user interface can enhance user experience and drive user engagement. On the other hand, a poor user interface can lead to user frustration and dissatisfaction, resulting in negative reviews and decreased user retention.

When to Use UI Testing and When to Use Functional Testing

It is crucial to perform both functional and UI testing to ensure the quality of a mobile application. However, the choice of which testing to perform depends on the objectives and requirements of the application. If the application is designed to provide a superior user experience, then UI testing should be given greater importance. On the other hand, if the application is focused on functionality, then functional testing should be the priority.

Is UX Testing Functional?

Mobile application testing involves evaluating all aspects of the application, including its user experience (UX). UX testing is an integral part of the testing process that aims to analyze the user experience of an application.

What is UX Testing?

UX testing is a testing type that focuses on analyzing the user experience of an application. It assesses how users interact with the application, how it performs in terms of usability, and how the application’s features and functionalities meet users’ needs.

How Does UX Testing Differ from Functional Testing?

Functional testing ensures that the application performs as expected, while UX testing is concerned with how users interact with the application. It aims to provide insight into how users perceive and use the application, making it more user-friendly and ensuring a better overall experience.

Why is UX Testing Important in Mobile Application Testing?

Mobile applications with poor user experiences are likely to be uninstalled quickly, and users may leave negative reviews that damage the app’s reputation. Therefore, conducting UX testing is essential to identify issues that may affect the overall user experience and ensure that the application meets users’ expectations.

When to Use UX Testing and When to Use Functional Testing?

UX testing is usually conducted after the functional testing is complete. The goal is to test the user experience after the application is functionally correct. While functional testing validates whether the application works as expected, UX testing evaluates whether the application is user-friendly and whether it meets users’ needs. Therefore, both testing types should be used together in mobile application testing to ensure the best possible user experience.

Is Black Box Testing Only Functional Testing?

It is a testing where the tester tests the software without having any knowledge of the internal structure, logic, or implementation of the application. The tester will only observe the inputs and outputs of the application, without any knowledge of how the application is actually working.

Black box testing is not only functional testing. It can be used for variety types of testing, such as performance testing, security testing, and usability testing.

Explanation of Black Box Testing

Black box testing is an essential type of testing for mobile application testing because it ensures that the application behaves as expected from the user’s point of view. Black box testing checks whether the application functions correctly based on user input and produces the expected output.

Why Black Box Testing is Important

Black box testing helps to identify problems that may arise due to the interaction of different components of the application. It also helps to identify any inconsistencies in the user interface or user experience. In addition, black box testing helps to identify any performance or security issues that may not be immediately apparent.

When to Use Black Box Testing

Black box testing is particularly useful when testing the functionality of a mobile application. It can be used to verify that the application meets the requirements specified in the design and to ensure that it works correctly under different conditions.

When to Use Functional Testing

Functional testing is used to test the functionality of the application against the requirements specified in the design. It is used to verify that the application functions correctly based on user input and produces the expected output. Functional testing is particularly useful when testing the behavior of the application in different scenarios.

In conclusion, black box testing is not only functional testing, but it is an essential part of mobile application testing. By performing black box testing, testers can ensure that the application behaves correctly from the user’s point of view and identify any issues that may not be immediately apparent.

Is DB Testing Functional Testing?

Functional testing is an essential part of mobile application testing, but there are other types of testing that are equally important. One such type of testing is database testing or DB testing. In this section, we will discuss what DB testing is, how it differs from functional testing, and when to use it in mobile application testing.

Explanation of what DB testing is and how it differs from functional testing

DB testing is a type of testing that focuses on testing the functionality of the database that supports a mobile application. This testing verifies that the data that is being stored and retrieved from the database is correct and accurate. It also ensures that the database can handle large volumes of data, that data integrity is maintained, and that the data is secure.

DB testing differs from functional testing in that it does not test the features and functionality of the application. Instead, it focuses on testing the data storage and retrieval process. While functional testing ensures that the application works as intended, DB testing ensures that the data stored in the application is correct and accurate.

Why DB testing is important in mobile application testing

DB testing is important in mobile application testing for several reasons. First, it ensures that the data being stored and retrieved by the application is correct and accurate. This is critical because incorrect data can result in the application providing incorrect information or not working as intended. Second, DB testing helps to identify performance issues related to data storage and retrieval. Third, it helps to ensure that the data is secure and cannot be accessed by unauthorized users.

When to use DB testing and when to use functional testing

DB testing should be used in conjunction with functional testing in mobile application testing. DB testing is typically performed after functional testing to ensure that the data being stored and retrieved is correct and accurate. It should also be used to identify performance issues related to data storage and retrieval.

In summary, while functional testing ensures that the application works as intended, DB testing ensures that the data stored in the application is correct and accurate. Therefore, DB testing is an important part of mobile application testing, and it should be used in conjunction with functional testing to ensure the overall quality of the application.


In this article, we have explored the topic of functional testing in mobile application testing. We started by discussing the characteristics of functional testing in mobile application testing and how it differs from other types of testing. Then, we looked at an example of a functional test and how to conduct it. We also covered functional testing in Android, the three types of functional tests, and the importance of UI and UX testing. Finally, we discussed black box testing, DB testing, and their relation to functional testing.

In conclusion, functional testing is a critical aspect of mobile application testing that ensures the software’s behavior conforms to its design and meets user expectations. Failure to conduct proper functional testing can lead to poor user experiences, customer churn, and loss of revenue. Therefore, it is crucial to conduct functional testing throughout the mobile application development lifecycle to ensure that the final product meets the highest standards of quality and reliability. By following best practices, using the right tools and techniques, and conducting all the necessary types of functional tests, developers and testers can be confident that their mobile applications are ready for deployment.
